Friday, October 15, 2010


In the Equipment section of the Hangar, you have the ability to set up two seperate configurations on your ship.
This allows you to have two seperate setups to deal with varying situations. The most common configs are to have a speed config and a shield / guns config.
The use of configs during battle can massively sway your chances of success, especially in PvP.

Configuration Tips

  • If you change configs, your shield level will also change to the new config's level, effectively giving you two shields. Ensure both shields are fully charged before combat, and when one gets low, swap config to have an instant recharge to the new shield.
  • There is a five second delay between changing configs. Ensure you time your changes carefully!
  • If you have a Cargo Expander on one config and not the other, if you swap to the config without and you are over its cargo limit, you keep the cargo you are carrying, but will not be able to pick up any other ore / cargo - Simply refine what you are carrying to make more space.
  • Don't feel you have to repeat your Extras setup on each config. Have one Extras slot with your Repair Drone, another with Cargo Expander, for example. When you need to repair, just switch configs.

Most poeple have there own designed configuration. Because speed is essential, it is hard for those with few drones, to balance speed gens with shield gens. The best way for this is, to have two completely different configs. One for speed, one for battle. The main aim for speed is to get to a destination without being bothered by that evil goliath. Also mostly speed is for running away from enemies. Unless you have a Goliath these tips work. Also another reason, is alot of quests have time limits so it is best to be fast at speeding round a map. If you have a leonov and vengence this is generally not a problem, because they are the fastest ships in the range. But those who can only afford bigboys, a great way to ballance it out, is to have mostly shield, but also elite speed gens. Promerium can boost the speed generators with exellent effect. Its an expensive resourse and hard to come by, but the new addition to DO is the Skylab. Simply upgrade it to the point where you are getting promerium and send 50 units or so, to your ship. Then just upgrade your speed engines, and you will have 500 mins of speed madness.
Shield configuration will make your ship slow, but you will have space in your drones to add more lasers. just fill your ship with shields and no speed gens. then just fill your drones with lasers. This is most effective in the lowers as the aliens are weaker. but in the upper maps it is best to balance shields with speed.

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First is the understanding of Skylab. Skylab is a place where we can produce stone outer space with no need to look at the map space. Even to create a rock that we can not look at the map space.
How to use,, to be able to produce the first we have to increase the level of our module to build it. First to build what we need is 150 stone promethium, 150 stone and 150 stone endurium termium, when the first update we need to do is send the rocks from the ship to Skylab. After that upgrade collector 3 modules, namely promethium, endurium, and Terbium.

After the third module has been completed on the upgrade, will be able to produce by itself. There are 3 important modules that need to be upgraded first, the basic module, solar module and storage module. After that you can build other modules ..
That's really important, after all that .. you can enjoy your Skylab produced by sending from Skylab to the ship through the transfer module.
There was a problem with the Skylab?

Wednesday, October 13, 2010


Pandhoe Nada Pranata
Global asia server

Teguh Arif
Global asia server

Shoter_Boy and Admin
saiia bukand anak nakal
USA(east)2 server

Mohamad Andika Jepang
Global Asia server

Josua Nova
Global Asia server
Muhammad Zainal
Global asia server
Fahri Black
Global Asia Server


Pandhoe Nada Pranata

Tuesday, October 12, 2010


This first section of information is just a general overview of the game.

International Vessel Support, Management, Spare Parts & Training

1.First go and earn some money (credits) which can be earned by destroying enemies, collecting rock asteroid material and bonus boxes. When you destroy an enemy, some of its cargo is left behind, which you can collect and sell. - BUT before that, sign up for a "Quest" that gives you EXTRA Credits, Uridium & Experience points for collecting rocks & destroying alien ships.

2. Collect (from Bonus Boxes) as much ammunition for your lasers and missiles as possible early on in the game if you can, because if you do this early you wont need to for a long time. (Which actually can be a relatively short amount of time if you use your lasers a lot).

3. Know that when your honor goes into the negative it decreases the amount of credits you get from selling raw materials to your space station, whereas the more honor you have, the more you get for your resources.

4. Know where your team's space station is. (you start there and it is not easy to forget where it is.) it will be a giant Blue square

5. There are three teams that you can join, the "Mars mining operations" (MMO), Earth Industrial Corporations (EIC), and "Venus Resources Unlimited" (VRU).
6. Seek a resource called Uridium which is obtainable by picking up bonus boxes, completing quests and defeating enemies. This resource becomes useful when and if you are killed, to repair your damaged ship. Alternatively, you can buy a different ship or take the starter ship (phoenix) which is free

7. When you are in a ship that costs credits, always buy another one instead of paying 500 uridium to repair it.

8. Uridium and credits are used to buy items; ships, weapons, ammunition. One of the main reasons this game is fun to play is because you are constantly upgrading and maintaining your ship.

9. Complete quests to gain credits and Uridium. Remember that there are two sources of income, Uridium is better than credits because it's much more valuable and can be used to buy better quality items, but it's harder to obtain. Spend it wisely.

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Hitpoints             : 800               Prometium: 10
Shield                  : 400               Terbium: 0
experience point : 400               Endurium: 10
honor point          : 2                   Prometid: 0
Credits                : 400               Duranium: 0
Uridium               : 1                   Promerium: 0
Xenomit              : 0
hit / shot              : 20
Locations            : x-1& x-2

Hitpoints: 2.000                     Prometium: 20
Shield: 2.000                          Terbium: 20
experience point: 800            Endurium: 20
honor point: 4                         Prometid: 0
Credits: 800                           Duranium: 0
Uridium: 2                              Promerium: 0
Xenomit: 0
hit / shot :80
Locations : x-2&x-3&x-4&x5
Hitpoints: 6.000                       Prometium: 40
Shield: 3.000                            Terbium: 40
experiencepoint: 1.600            Endurium: 40
honor point: 8                           Prometid: 2
Credits: 1.600                          Duranium: 2
Uridium: 4                                Promerium: 0
Xenomit: 0
hit / shot : 200-250
Locations: x-3&x-4

Hitpoints: 20.000                         Prometium: 80
Tameng: 10.000                          Terbium: 80
experience point: 3.200               Endurium: 80
honor point: 16                             Prometid: 8
Credits: 6.400                              Duranium: 8
Uridium: 8                                    Promerium: 1
Xenomit: 0
hit / shot : 350-400
Locations: x-3&x-4

Hitpoints: 100.000                     Prometium: 100
Shield: 100.000                          Terbium: 100
experience point: 6.400             Endurium: 100
honor point: 32                           Prometid: 16
Credits: 51.200                          Duranium: 16
Uridium: 16                                Promerium: 2
Xenomit: 0
hit / shot :1024-1400
Locations: x-3

Hitpoints: 200.000                        Prometium: 200
Shield: 200.000                             Terbium: 200
experience point: 12.800              Endurium: 200
honor point: 64                              Prometid: 32
Credits: 102.400                           Duranium: 32
Uridium: 32                                   Promerium: 4
Xenomit: 0
hit / shot : 2000-2650
Locations: x-4

Hitpoints: 50.000                        Prometium: 100
Shield: 40.000                             Terbium: 100
experience point: 6.400              Endurium: 100
honor point: 32                            Prometid: 16
Credits: 12.800                           Duranium: 16
Uridium: 16                                 Promerium: 1
Xenomit: 0
hit / shot : 900-1650
Location: x-7 & x6

Hitpoints: 400.000                        Prometium: 300
Shield: 300.000                             Terbium: 300
experience point: 51.200              Endurium: 300
honor point: 256                            Prometid: 128
Credits: 409.600                           Duranium: 128
Uridium: 128                                 Promerium: 16
Xenomit: 0
hit / shot : 4450-5300
Locations: x-7 & x6

Hitpoints: 40.000                          Prometium: 100
Shield: 40.000                               Terbium: 100
experience point: 3.200                Endurium: 100
honor point: 16                              Prometid: 8
Credits: 12.800                              Duranium: 8
Uridium: 12                                    Promerium: 1
Xenomit: 0
hit / shot :768-1300
Locations: x-5

Hitpoints: 300.000                        Prometium: 300
Shield: 200.000                             Terbium: 300
experience point: 25.600              Endurium: 300
honor point: 128                            Prometid: 64
Credits: 204.800                           Duranium: 64
Uridium: 64                                   Promerium: 8
Xenomit: 0
kekuatan tembakan : 3150-3600
Locations: x-5

Hitpoints: 20.000                        Prometium: 80
Shield: 10.000                             Terbium: 80
experience point: 3.200              Endurium: 80
honor point: 16                            Prometid: 8
Credits: 6.400                             Duranium: 8
Uridium: 8                                   Promerium: 0
Xenomit: 0
hit / shot : 400-490
Locations: x-8

Hitpoints: 50.000                          Prometium: 100
Shield: 40.000                               Terbium: 100
experience point: 6.400                Endurium: 100
honor point: 32                              Prometid: 16
Credits: 12.800                             Duranium: 16
Uridium: 16                                   Promerium: 2
Xenomit: 0
hit / shot : 1300-1500
Locations: x-6

Hitpoints: 1.600.000                       Prometium: 1200
Shield: 1.200.000                            Terbium: 1200
experience point: 204.800              Endurium: 1200
honor point: 1024                            Prometid: 512
Credits: 1.638.400                          Duranium: 512
Uridium: 512                                   Promerium: 64
Xenomit: 0
hit / shot :0
Lokasi  :  X-6



In the game DarkOrbit there a way to get equipment in addition to how to buy used uridium. the bid or auction. In the bid, we can get the things we want to bargain the price with credit. We can get the goods on condition that we offer input credit is the largest credit amount among the other bidders. bid or auction in DarkOrbit done every once an hour. if the offer was not completed, your username will be shown the highest bidder on each item.

For a play on the server Global Asia, a little advice on the bid price bid. first for the aircraft,,

** For beginners leonov starjet is the most powerful aircraft. have extra power on a map X-1, X-2, X-3 and X-4. jet star leonov auction price ranges from 1.5 million to 3million.

** Star hunter Vengeance. maximal speed and agility as it navigates the space, a minimum auction price 3million, but make no mistake, Vengeance can be up to 15 million on global server asia,,

** Last plane craving the newbie,, Goliath Battlecruiser. a solid body and the look killer though a little less agile. ever there is a successful auction of about 3 million too, but I never lost 16 million, so maybe the price can be up to 30million,,

LF3 ranging from 15 to 40 million. over 40 million chance of sucses is above 90%.

BO2 shield between 10 to 35 million.

Drones, IRIS. Between 50 and 130 million,, could you get a dozen surrounding Suma million if lucky.

This is only a suggestion .. also I would appreciate it if get criticism and advice ... .. lol ^_^



Cara Bermain DarkOrbit

Bermain DarkOrbit Tidaklah sulit, untuk teman-teman tau, bermain DarkOrbit hanya butuh kegigihan untuk mengupgrade atau membuat lebih bagus peralatan dalam pesawat kita. Langkah-Langkah yang perlu teman-teman tau ada dibawah ini :

Daftar / Sign Up

Ini adalah langkah pertama dimana kita harus mendaftar pada
Pilih menu Sign Up atau Mendaftar. Isikan User Name,Pasword,Email dan kolom-kolom yang diminta. Untuk pilihan server, jika ingin banyak bertemu dengan pemain-pemain Indonesia kita bisa pilih server Global Asia, bukan berarti diserver lain tidak ada pemain Indonesia, tapi Global asia adalah server yang paling banyak diminati user dari Indonesia. Setelah itu silahkan pilih firma atau company yang diinginkan. Pada DarkOrbit terdapat 3 bagian firma, yaitu Mars atau MMO, Mars Minning Operation. Venus atau VRU, Venus Resources Unlimited. Dan BUMI atau EIC, Eart Industries Corporation.

Mencari credit atau Uridium

Pada darkorbit terdapat dua satuan untuk Jual beli, Yaitu Credit dan Uridium. Kita bisa mendapatkannya dengan kita melaksanakan quest atau menghancurkan Alien.

Quest adalah tugas berhadiah untuk player. Menu quest ada pada home.
Disana ada tugas-tugas yang bila kita berhasil kita akan mendapatkan credit,uridium,point pengalaman,point penghargaan, dan laser ataupun rocket. Point pengalaman sendiri adalah point yang digunakan untuk menaikan level. Dan Point penghargaan adalah point yang menilai kesetiaan kita pada firma atau company.

Mengancurkan Alien
Menghancurkan alien yang dimaksud adalah menembak alien yang ada pada peta. Dengan cara mengunci sasaran dengan pointer mouse lalu menekan tombol Ctrl pada keyboard, ataupun rocket dengan tombol spasi.


Ini hanya sedikit langkah-langkah untuk bermain Darkorbit.
Masih banyak yang perlu teman-teman gamers Darkorbit tau.


How to play DarkOrbit

Playing DarkOrbit is not difficult, for friends know, play DarkOrbit just need persistence to upgrade or build better equipment in our aircraft. Steps that need to know there are friends below:

1. Register / Sign Up

This is the first step where we have to register on
Select the Sign Up or Sign up. Enter User Name, Password, Email and columns requested. For server selection, if you want a lot of meeting with Indonesian players we can select a server Global Asia, does not mean others do not exist in server Indonesian players, but Global Asia is the most demanding server users from Indonesia. After that, please select the desired firm or company. In DarkOrbit, there are 3 parts of the firm, namely Mars, or MMO, Minning Operation Mars. Or VRU Venus, Venus Resources Unlimited. And EARTH, or EIC, Eart Industries Corporation.

2. Looking for credit or Uridium
In darkorbit there are two units for sale and purchase, That Credit and Uridium. We can get it with our quest to carry out or destroy the Aliens.

Quest is a task with prizes for the player. Option quest is at home. There is a task that if we succeed we will get credited, uridium, experience points, point awards, and laser or rocket. Point experience itself is a point that is used to raise the level. And Point awards are points that assess our faithfulness to the firm or company.

b. Destroy NPC (Aliens)
Destroy the aliens in question is shooting aliens exist in the map. By way of locking the target with the mouse pointer and then pressing the Ctrl key on the keyboard, or a rocket with the space bar.


The above article just start playing so that your friends can try DarkOrbit gamers.
Still much more to gamers DarkOrbit friends know.