Saturday, May 14, 2011

Ibot DarkOrbit

Previously I've explained what it was game DarkOrbit and how to play. Any so-called game, surely we can cheat. but cheating is not something That We Can be proud.

Here I will write about how to play cheat in the game DarkOrbit. But remember! I am not responsible if you play cheat and to the consequences. ie if you are caught using a cheat and your account will be banned.

BOT, if you have long played darkorbit you've heard the word bot. bot is a software to run our ship without having us play. I have a bot that I can still work in a period that has been updated darkorbit now.

You can download it below this bot!

profibot server crack

Ibot 2.7 cracked

usage instructions and for Indonesian langguage : petunjuk pemakaian

Glad to help you, but remember! I am not responsible for your account. and use the cheat it is not always easy your game.
Regards .. good luck space pilot!


  1. if you have long played darkorbit you've heard the word bot. bot is a software to run our ship without having us play. I have a bot that I can still work in a period that has been updated darkorbit now. free darkorbit premium

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